The two officers were captured on camera dozing off inside the patrol car as it was parked along General Maxilom Avenue in uptown Cebu City at dawn on Thursday, April 13, 2023, with its engine and air conditioner on.
A certain Alex Lim took the video and uploaded it on Facebook.
Because of that, CCPO Chief Colonel Ireneo Dalogdog ordered for their relief and temporarily assigned them to the Cebu City Holding Admin Unit while the investigation for administrative case is ongoing.
The chief of the Mobile Patrol Unit and their patrol supervisor were also included in the probe.
Aberin said the said policemen are undergoing due process and given the right to defend themselves and explain their side on the issue.
“As PRO 7 is fast in recognizing good deeds of our men on the ground, we are also swift in imposing disciplinary measures to personnel who violate PNP policy in the performance of their duties,” Aberin. (AYB, TPT)
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