PDEA 7 raids 2 ‘drug dens’ in Barangay Luz, arrests 8 suspects

OPERATIVES of the Philippines Drug Enforcement Agency in Central Visayas (PDEA 7) together with members of the Mabolo Police Station in Cebu City raided a suspected drug den in Sitio Abellana, Barangay Luz at 2:49 p.m. Saturday, July 1, 2023.

They arrested suspects Genewin Peoner Romano, the 38-year-old alleged operator of the drug den; Bridget Dawn Ferarren Ontoy, 23; and Lefty Luke Noval Lao, a 37-year-old construction painter.

They seized two packs of shabu weighing 11 grams with a street value of P64,800 and several drug paraphernalia.

A few meters away, they found five more persons inside another suspected drug den.

They identified the suspects as Faustino Alburo San Roque Jr., the 29-year-old alleged operator of the drug den; Rojar Alburo, a 44-year-old construction worker; Antonio Masbag Medilo Jr., 31; Redan Austria Rellesiba, a 25-year-old welder; and 34-year-old Jovelyn Abregondo Roldan.

PDEA 7 operatives seized seven packs of shabu weighing 15 grams with a street value of P102,000.

According to Leia Alcantara, PDEA 7 information officer, it took almost two months for them to conduct a case build-up against the two suspected drug dens after receiving information from a concerned citizen.

She said the eight suspects will be charged with violating Republic Act 9165, or the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002. (AYB)


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