Mango seller saved from death, thanks to her ‘Angyl’

HEROIC. Angyl Faith Ababat, 21 (right), a nursing student of the University of Cebu, is being hailed as a hero after she saved the life of Bernadeta Zamora on Monday, Jan. 30, 2023. / University of Cebu FB page

HEROIC. Angyl Faith Ababat, 21 (right), a nursing student of the University of Cebu, is being hailed as a hero after she saved the life of Bernadeta Zamora on Monday, Jan. 30, 2023. / University of Cebu FB page

Earl Kim Padronia – Ivan Rey R. Tan

February 02, 2023

ANGYL Faith Ababat never thought that her trip to downtown Cebu City to buy school requirements would lead her to become a hero.

Ababat, 21, a second year nursing student of the University of Cebu (UC) Banilad campus, is being recognized for her compassion and immediate response when she helped save Bernadeta Zamora from bleeding to death right after she was slashed in the neck by her live-in partner on Plaridel St. in downtown Cebu City on Monday, Jan. 30, 2023.

Ababat told SunStar Cebu on Thursday, Feb. 2, that minutes before the incident, she and her fellow classmates were in the area to buy school requirements that they need for their course.

As her classmates were queuing inside the shop to buy their requirements, Ababat was waiting outside for them. Just a few steps beside her was Zamora, who was selling mangoes at the time.

What happened next will remain in Ababat’s memory for the rest of her life.

Out of the blue, a man, later identified as Edwin Salazar, approached Zamora from behind and suddenly pulled her.

Using a sharp object, Salazar then slashed Zamora’s neck before fleeing.

Ababat said when she noticed Zamora bearing a laceration on her neck, she hesitated at first and thought that there were some medical students near the shop who could best help the victim.

“After seeing that Nanay (Zamora) was about to collapse and no one stepped forward, that was likely the time due to adrenaline rush that I decided to step forward and try to help Nanay,” Ababat said.

In order to prevent Zamora from bleeding further, Ababat used a discarded shirt to apply pressure on the victim’s wound.

As Ababat was preventing Zamora from bleeding, other students eventually came to assist her and help the victim calm down until the medical team arrived to bring her to the hospital.

Nursing not a ‘first choice’

Ababat, who hails from Baybay City, Leyte, initially had doubts on whether nursing was the right course for her.

She admitted that nursing was not her first choice as a career.

But what happened on Monday made her realize that she was going in the right direction after all.

“I’m actually a bit of surprised and happy because I did not expect that my simple act of kindness may save a life. Hearing praises from my parents, loved ones and the school itself boosted my confidence that I had picked the right course,” she said.

A ‘true nurse’

For Mercy Milagros Apuhin, the head of UC’s School of Nursing, what Ababat did was something all nurses should apply, which is to be always ready to help others in need.

“Her being caring and compassionate, she has not even reached third year or fourth year but you can already see her quality of being a nurse,” she added.

Apuhin said the university was proud of what Ababat accomplished, and the school is preparing to officially recognize her in one of its upcoming events this month.

Aside from the recognition she received from her school and from the Cebu City Police Office, Ababat is also set to receive recognition from the Cebu City Council.

Councilor Rey Gealon commended Ababat in a resolution he filed on Wednesday, Feb. 1

Gealon also commended UC Banilad for honing students who respond to the needs of the people.

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