Romualdez, Arroyo join Marcos in Palace meeting with Thai execs

Speaker Martin Romualdez and Deputy Speaker Pampanga Rep. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo joined President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. on Tuesday in Malacañang to meet business executives from Thailand.

According to a post on her Facebook page, Arroyo joined Marcos and other officials in meeting executives of the Charoen Pokphand group led by its chairman Soopakij Chearavanont.

The Presidential Communications Office said Romualdez, and Presidential Adviser on Investment and Economic Affairs Frederick D. Go were also in attendance.

“The said group of companies started their investment in the Philippines during the Macapagal Arroyo administration,” the Facebook post read.

“In their courtesy call, they confirmed that they will expand their investments to help the Philippines in the quest of the Marcos administration to develop a model value chain in the country,” it added.

The PCO said the Bangkok-based business conglomerate is planning to invest some US$2.5 billion in agricultural technology development in the country.

Romualdez and Arroyo are both stalwarts of the Lakas-CMD.

The House of Representatives recently elected Pampanga Rep. Aurelio Gonzales to replace Arroyo as Senior Deputy Speaker.

Arroyo has denied that she was part of a plot to oust Romualdez from the speakership. —NB, GMA Integrated News

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