DOJ’s Remulla still recovering from bypass but active — spox

Though Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla is still recovering from his bypass operation, he remains active in the Department of Justice (DOJ), agency spokesperson Atty. Mico Clavano said Thursday.

Remulla has not appeared to the media for two months since March.

“He’s okay. He’s still recovering from his bypass… the doctor’s advised him to take it slow dahil syempre hindi biro yung lima no na binypass na arteries ni secretary. But right now, he is active. He gives instructions everyday,” Clavano said at a media briefing.

(He’s okay. He’s still recovering from his bypass… the doctor advised him to take it slow because it’s not a joke to undergo bypass for five arteries. But right now, he is active. He gives instructions everyday.)

“Yun nga po yung immunity, yung immune system po niya ay syempre mababa pa ngayon dahil po sa mga gamot, no. Pero just for everyone’s information, the secretary is well and is hoping to come back to work as soon as possible,” he added.

(His immunity, his immune system is low right now due to his medication. But just for everyone’s information, the secretary is well and is hoping to come back to work as soon as possible.)

Remulla underwent a 7-hour bypass procedure on June 27, 2023 after his physical examination the week before showed heart blockage. He was discharged from the hospital five days later.

When previously asked if he is considering resigning from his post, Remulla said, “Never.” — RSJ, GMA Integrated News

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