VP Sara deletes Edsa message on socmed

“What I said in 2017 regarding the February 25 EDSA anniversary has never changed. My position remains the same today,” Duterte said.

“I did not intend to issue a statement this year as I did not the previous year,” she added.

Duterte, who previously served as city mayor, slammed Archbishop Socrates Villegas after the latter accused her father, then-President Rodrigo Duterte, of singlehandedly defacing the memory of the 1986 Edsa Revolution as a bloodless revolution through relentless killings under his presidency.

“You are truly, madly, deeply worse than a hundred President Dutertes,” the vice president said in a 2017 post on her Facebook account, which was eventually taken down after the account was reported.

“How dare you say that we are trying to prostitute the meaning of Edsa. My father perfectly understood what the spirit of Edsa is, otherwise, he would not have told me to never forget that night of 31 years ago. And I now believe that he understands it better than you do,” she added.

Duterte added that since 1986, until seven months ago, the nation has been hounded by corruption, crime, territorial war of gangs and drug lords, extrajudicial killings, narco-politics, terrorism, protracted rebellion, abuse of power in the government, political bickering and the entry of foreign mafias.

“It surely did not start when President Duterte took office. He won the Presidency precisely because you ignored what was wrong with this world. All you desired was to put into power a leader who walks and talks like you — someone who is definitely not Rodrigo Duterte,” the vice president said.

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