Two kids killed, 8 houses destroyed in Danao City fire

A FIVE-YEAR-OLD boy and his four-year-old cousin were killed after they failed to escape a fire that hit their in Purok 4 Delfin Dawe in Barangay Tuburan Sur, Danao City on Friday afternoon, Feb. 10, 2023.

Senior Fire Officer 1 Ronald Tellidua of the Danao City Fire Office identified the two fatalities as Vohn Evanz Bigata, 5 and Czech Clarence Andales, 4.

Around eight houses were destroyed while two were damaged in the blaze.

Helen Bigata, the victims’ grandmother, told fire investigators that her grandchildren were sleeping at the second floor of their house when the fire started at around 3:45 p.m.

Helen said she was watching her other grandchild on the first floor of their house when she noticed smoke coming out of the second floor.

After bringing her grandchild outside her house, Helen attempted to rescue her other grandchildren, but the fire was already too large and eventually spread to other houses in the neighborhood.

Firefighters were able to respond at around 4:30 p.m. and put out the fire 10 minutes later.

The fire damage was pegged at around P212,500.

Tellidua said the fire may have been caused by an electric mishap after Helen told them before the blaze began, she turned on her electric fan at the second floor to keep her sleeping grandchildren cool.



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