Transcentral Highway ‘hit-and-run’ case settled

THE case of the “hit-and-run” involving a child on the Transcentral Highway in the mountain barangay of Pung-ol Sibugay, Cebu City has been solved.

Major Caesar Acompanado, chief of the Malubog Sub-Police Precinct, clarified that the child was not struck by the motorcycle but was “grazed” by it while crossing the road.

He said the driver left the scene because the latter drove straight to the Mabolo Police Station where he turned himself over after reporting the incident.

He said the Mabolo Police Station immediately informed them about his surrender.

Acompanado said the driver and the child’s family have agreed to settle the matter amicably with the driver agreeing to shoulder the child’s medical expenses.

Meanwhile, Acompanado urged parents living along the Transcentral Highway to always keep an eye on their children so they won’t meet any untoward incidents.

He said motorists should also drive carefully to avoid accidents in the area. (BBT)


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