Toledo LGU turns over 7 new patrol cars to police

SEVEN brand new sports utility vehicles bought by Toledo City Government were turned over to the city’s police station on Thursday, March 30, 2023.

Mayor Marjorie “Joie” Piczon-Perales acquired the vehicles with the approval from the city council to serve as Toledo City Police Station’s patrol cars.

The roving patrol cars will benefit not only Toledo City but also the nearby towns.

Colonel Alladin Collado, Chief Regional Staff of the Police Regional Office (PRO 7), attended the blessing and turnover of the vehicles in place of PRO 7 Director Brigadier General Anthony Aberin.

Vice Mayor Jay Sigue and city councilors Amuerfino Perales, Ophelio Dolino and Eric Espinosa also witnessed the ceremony.

In line with this development, the Cebu Police Provincial Office, through Colonel Rommel Ochave, vowed to strengthen their campaign against criminality in Toledo City.

Lieutenant Colonel Dennis de Guzman, chief of Toledo City Police Station, commended the city government for continuing to support them in maintaining law and order and providing security for the Toledohanons. (AYB, TPT)


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