Rama: No suspension of classes in Cebu City

CLASSES in Cebu City will continue this week because there is no threat of typhoon in the area.

This was announced by Mayor Michael Rama after he was informed by Cebu City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (CCDRRMO) head Harold Alcontin that super typhoon Mawar, which will be locally called Betty, will enter the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR) on Saturday, May 27, or Sunday, May 28.

However, the Cebu City Government is preparing for any eventuality that might occur when the typhoon strikes Cagayan Valley, Babuyan and Batanes Islands in northern Luzon on May 29 based on the satellite imagery of Pagasa and the Japan Meteorological Agency shown by Renzo Del Rosario, the planning chief of CCDRRMO.

According to Alcontin, the heavy machinery has been sent to the mountain barangays where landslides frequently happen during torrential downpours.

He added that no evacuation order has also been issued for the residents in the coastal barangays.(PAC, TPT)


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