Public school teacher nabbed in drug bust

A PUBLIC school teacher was detained after he was caught possessing illegal drugs in a buy-bust operation in Barangay Kalubihan, Barili, Cebu on Sunday afternoon, September 17, 2023.

The suspect was identified as Glenn Sicong Pacaldo, 39, of Barangay Kalubihan. He is reportedly teaching in Barili.

The Barili Municipal Police Station reported that Pacaldo has been identified as a “drug pusher” and high-value individual.

Seized from him were 0.3 grams of substance believed to be methamphetamine hydrochloride or shabu worth around P2,040.

The drug bust was conducted Sunday by the Barili police led by Police Captain Crisanto Arreglado along with personnel of the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency. (DVG/LMY)


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