Province approves projects of national gov’t agencies

Cebu Governor Gwendolyn Garcia (File Photo)

Cebu Governor Gwendolyn Garcia (File Photo)

THE Cebu Provincial Development Council (PDC) has approved the P96 billion programs and projects of 21 national government agencies (NGAs) with local offices in Cebu.

The PDC led by Cebu Governor Gwendolyn Garcia will forward the proposed projects to the Regional Development Council (RDC 7) for their approval.

To recall, Garcia called a meeting with the representatives of NGA and government-owned and controlled corporations (GOCCs) on April 27 to introduce Provincial Ordinance 2023-02, which requires them to consult, cooperate and seek approval from the Provincial Board on the programs and projects that they will implement.

The meeting was attended by around 60 representatives of NGAs and GOCCs who are based in Cebu.

Daanbantayan Mayor and League of Municipalities in the Philippines-Cebu chapter president Sun Shimura claimed that the event was memorable because nobody objected to the ordinance. (PAC, TPT)


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