PRO 7 orders tracker team to hunt persons involved in Degamo’s murder

Negros Oriental former Governor Roel Degamo (File Photo)

Negros Oriental former Governor Roel Degamo (File Photo)

AFTER a warrant of arrest has been issued against former Negros Oriental third district representative Arnolfo Teves, the Police Regional Office in Central Visayas (PRO 7) has alerted its tracker team in the province to look for all other suspects in the March 4 killings of former Governor Roel Degamo and eight other civilians in Pamplona town.

The main purpose of the tracker squad in Negros Oriental, according to PRO 7 spokesperson Police Lieutenant Colonel Gerard Ace Pelare, is to find everyone implicated in crimes in the province, not just Teves and his cohorts.

According to the reports the PRO 7 was able to get, many of the arrested wanted persons are already in the police custody, while others were dead.

One of them is Alex Manegos Mayagma, an alleged hired gun who was killed in a police operation in Barangay Malabugas in Bayawan City last July 31, when he resisted arrest.

The police are calling on the residents in Negros Oriental who are aware of the presence of those wanted by law to report to them.(AYB, TPT)


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