UP to 28,000 kilos of shabu, marijuana and other illegal narcotics worth P191 million were burned at the thermal chamber of Cosmopolitan Funeral Homes on Junquera Street, Cebu City on Saturday, February 18, 2023.

The illegal substances confiscated during the anti-illegal operations of PDEA and the police were burned upon the order of the court.

The burned items included the 16.8 kilos of suspected shabu seized from South African national Pietro Aliquo, who arrived at the Mactan International Airport from South Africa via Doha, Qatar on February 3.

The activity was spearheaded by the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency in Central Visayas (PDEA 7) and witnessed by the police and Department of Justice personnel.

PDEA 7 Regional Director Jigger Montallana claimed that the burning of illegal substances was the first to be done this year since he was reinstated to his position last month.

Montallana also explained why the evidences seized during the raids should not be burned right away because these must be presented to the court first before being destroyed.

Police Regional Office Director Brigadier General Jerry Bearis said the procedure serves to demonstrate to the public that the collected evidence has not been reused or recycled. (BBT, TPT)


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