New briefing center, registration guidelines for whale shark watching

Photos from Municipality of Oslob - Tourism Office

Photos from Municipality of Oslob – Tourism Office

LOCAL and foreign tourists who will be visiting Oslob town in southern Cebu need to follow guidelines on the new individual numbering and identification system that the municipality will be implementing.

Oslob has been known for whale shark watching.

The Oslob Tourism Office said that to hasten the registration process for tourists in Barangay Tan-awan, big tourist groups are advised to bring and present a manifest during the registration.

The manifest has to contain the names, age, nationality, contact number, ID number and accommodation of the tourists.

These details are need for the registration, as the municipality will be putting up an improved Whale Shark Watching Briefing Center in Barangay Tan-awan, said the tourism office. (ANV/LMY)


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