Never too young to chase dreams, discover potential

“I dedicate everything to my supportive parents and siblings, and cousin, Job. They may not know it, but they helped the business become what it is today a thousandfold,” she expressed. 

As she looks towards the future, Cirujano envisions “Janny” becoming a staple in the fashion industry, with aspirations of collaborating with artists and celebrities. 

“Maybe soon, I’ll be able to focus more on curating designs for artists or celebrities. But to where it stands today, I take it with pride that my brand is trusted for gifts, surprises, and meaningful events for people,” she said.

“It warms my heart, and it continues to motivate me to discover the potentials Janny may entail in the future,” she added.  

For aspiring entrepreneurs hesitant to take a step forward, Cirujano urges them to embrace failure, take informed risks, and above all, to start. 

“Allow yourself to be a beginner. You can definitely fail, but so what? Choose something that you think will bring value. It does not matter how big or small you start. Just start,” she emphasized. 

“No matter your age, you are never too young to chase your dreams, discover your potential, and make your mark,” she ended.

For more details, check her social media accounts:

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