Man nabbed for stealing construction materials in Mambaling

A 38-YEAR-OLD man was arrested for allegedly stealing construction materials intended for the building of a house.

The incident took place in Sitio Puntod, Barangay Mambaling, Cebu City around 11 p.m. on Sunday, July 23, 2023.

The suspect was identified as Handsome Tapang Ebon, 38, a resident of Sitio Lawis of the said barangay.

Jenny Managaytay, 30, and Jerry Mancao, both residents of Sitio Puntod, reported the incident to the police.

Police Major Jonathan Bethoven Taneo, chief of Mambaling Police Station 11, said Ebon took 20 2×2 pieces of wood worth P2,000, 10 steel bars worth P3,000 and five sheets of plywood worth P3,000.

Taneo said that Managaytay and Mancao noticed that Ebon kept coming back to get the construction materials, prompting them to seek police help.(BBT, TPT)


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