Man in viral video stealing a sack of rice from truck nabbed in buy-bust

The man who was shown in a viral video stealing a sack of rice from a cargo truck in Pier 3, Cebu City is now being held at Parian Police Station 1. (CONTRIBUTED)

The man who was shown in a viral video stealing a sack of rice from a cargo truck in Pier 3, Cebu City is now being held at Parian Police Station 1. (CONTRIBUTED)

THE man who was shown in a viral video stealing a sack of rice from a cargo truck in Pier 3, Cebu City is now being held at Parian Police Station 1.

The suspect, identified as Gerald “Ago” Martinez Simbajon, was arrested by the police during a buy-bust on Wednesday, August 9, 2023 in Sitio Lower Lumar, Barangay T. Padilla.

Simbajon admitted that he was the same person in the viral video who climbed on top of a truck and attempted to steal a 50-kilogram bag of rice around 9 a.m. on Monday, August 7, when he fell on his way down because the vehicle moved forward.

As a result, Simbajon fractured his right arm.

Simbajon said that it was not his first time to commit the act and cited financial difficulties as the reason for doing so.(RJM, TPT)


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