High school students in Bohol town ‘possessed by evil spirit’

UP TO 14 students of Hinawanan National High School in Loay town, Bohol were allegedly possessed by an evil spirit while in the middle of their class on Thursday morning, October 12, 2023.

Police Staff Sergeant Donald Curan, chief investigator of Loay Police Station, made this announcement.

According to Curan, many of the students suddenly grew braver, screamed and were incredibly strong while being rescued.

“Sa akong assessment possible gyud nga nasudlan o na repossess. Dili man kaayo sila ingun ana ka aggressive pero magsinggit-singgit,” Curan said in an interview on Thursday,

(In my assessment, it’s possible that they have been repossessed. Despite not being particularly aggressive, they were shouting).

The students reportedly calmed down after being brought to the local priest for exorcism and to the Rural Health Unit (RHU) for examination.

Prior to the incident, Curan said one of the students saw a black person last Monday, which was why they held a mass the following day, Tuesday.

Curan said the incident took place for the first time at the school.

In order to give the students time to rest after the tragedy, the school temporarily suspended the classes.(ANV, TPT)


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