DYRD News tie-up with 9 major cable networks


The top-rated news and public affairs programs of station  DYRD can now be seen on major cable TV networks in the entire province.

The media tie-up with station DYRD was contained in a memorandum of agreement signed by top management of  Bohol Community Cable TV (BCCTV) in Tagbilaran City, San Miguel Cable Network, Inc. in Jagna; TV Cable in Ubay, Boholano Cable in Valencia, Eastern Bohol Cable in Alicia; SMCNI in Anda, South Seas Cable in Tubigon, Niña Cable in Maribojoc and Real Speed Cable in Calape.

Signatories of the  MOA signing at the Bohol Chronicle Radio Corp, corporate office yesterday were BCRC Chairman Peter Dejaresco, BCCTV General Manager Leizel Lim Gregorio, SMCNI President Jun Daniel and Bohol Operations Manager Mark Tinga of Cebu Catholic Television Network (CCTN).

The radio-cable TV media coverage is aimed at widely disseminating the latest news development and top issues affecting the lives of Boholanos, according to BCRC Chairman Dejaresco. 

For her part, Leizel Gregorio of BCCTV which was the first cable TV in Bohol established in 1991 said the radio-cable TV tie-up is a welcome development that will augur well for a well-informed community which is the objective of cable TV networks.   

The news and public affairs programs that will be carried on the various cable TV networks in the province will be Patrol Balilta of Atoy Cosap, the Breakfast News of Arnold Lucas and Glee Orcullo, the popular Inyong Alagad of Tibbs Bullecer, FCB News of Allen Doydora and Rey Tutas and the top-rated Tagbilaran-By-Nite of Tonton Aniscal and Leonard Simbit.

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