DENR to study whether to demolish structures in Looc River’s easement zone in Ginatilan town

BEFORE proceeding with the clearing operation, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office (PENRO) will determine the severity of the violations caused by the structures built within the 20-meter easement zone of the Looc River in Ginatilan town, southwest Cebu.

The owners of structures situated within the easement zone asked Cebu Governor Gwendolyn Garcia this week that they be allowed to voluntarily demolish their buildings so they could still use the materials.

According to the Capitol Information Office, Pedro Cabonillas of Fern Valley Cold Spring Resort and Jennifer Singco of Green Villas Resort were among those who begged the governor.

Garcia had already issued a directive ordering the closure of the two resorts in order to destroy the man-made barriers that had been erected in the river’s 20-meter easement zone.

The Capitol stepped in after the town council requested assistance over the buildings that were allegedly obstructing the stream’s natural water flow.

This is thought to be one of the possible causes of floods in some parts of the area where many people live.(ANV, TPT)


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