CPPO to tighten security for Miss Earth Philippines in Toledo City

THE Cebu Police Provincial Office (CPPO) is getting ready to strengthen security for Miss Earth Philippines that will be held in Toledo City on Saturday night, April 29, 2023.

According to Police Lieutenant Colonel Mark Gifter Sucalit, deputy director for operation of the CPPO, the contestants and VIPs have started arriving along with the organizers.

Sucalit stated that the security measures for Miss Earth Philippines, where CPPO chief Police Colonel Rommel Ochave is the task group commander, will be implemented similarly to those used for the Central Visayas Regional Athletic Association (Cviraa), which is ongoing in Carcar City.

More than 100 policemen will be deployed in Toledo City for the event in addition to the force multipliers from the different barangays.

Emergency rescue personnel will also stationed in the area in case someone passes out.

Sucalit added that the pictorials that will be held before the coronation night also need to be guarded.

“Daghan tag ipakatap nga mga police sa mga billeting areas ug sa ubang mga area nga naay programa sa Miss Philippines Earth,” Sucalit revealed.

(Many police personnel will be deployed in billeting areas and other locations where Miss Earth Philippines’ activities are taking place).

Sucalit noted, however, that no threats to disrupt the event have been received as of yet. (AYB, TPT)


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