Cordovanhons soon to have drinkable seawater

CORDOVANHONS will soon be able to enjoy drinking drinkable sea water starting in December of this year.

Mayor Cesar “Didoy” Suan and lawyer Jose Daluz III, chairman of the board of directors of the Metro Cebu Water District (MCWD), conducted an ocular inspection of the desalination plant being built by Vivant Hydrocore Holdings Inc. (VHHI) in Cordova town on Mactan Island on Friday, June 16, 2023.

Daluz stated that the desalination equipment will be installed on July 3 by VVHI and its technical partner, Israel-based Watermatic Philippines.

The installation is expected to be finished this coming December.

According to MCWD General Manager Edgar Donoso, the facility may initially generate 5,000 cubic meters per day, or 5 million liters per day (MLD), and the following months until it increases production to 20 MLD in 2024.

Mayor Suan said that as soon as the desalination plant is built, they will have a permanent supply of water.

The project, he added, is also anticipated to boost the town’s economy. (PAC, TPT)


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