Coin deposit machines deployed in malls

RETAILERS are now assured of having enough coins circulating in the market following central bank’s deployment of coin deposit machines in malls to promote efficient coin recirculation in the country.

“This is a good project that should have been done five years ago to avoid lack of coins in supermarket,” said retailer Robert Go, also spokesperson of the Philippine Retailers Association-Cebu Chapter.

“This could be good for us retailers since we perenially lack coins all the time, especially in provinces,” he said.

Go noted: “We have to go to churches to buy the coins at higher amount to get priority. There is still lack of coins until today.”

On Tuesday, June 20, 2023, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) Governor Felipe Medalla led the unveiling of the first set of coin deposit machines deployed in SM Mall of Asia in Pasay, Robinsons Malls Ermita in Manila, and Festival Supermall in Muntinlupa.

Through this machine, the BSP encouraged the public to deposit their idle coins stored in their jars, piggy banks, and other containers. (KOC)


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