City councilors approve installation of CCTV cameras in 8 public schools

THE Talisay City Council has approved the installation of closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras in five elementary schools and three secondary schools in the city.

According to Councilor Eduardo “Digul” Gullas, who chairs the council’s committee on education, the beneficiaries are the primary schools in Barangays Candulawan, Dumlog, Maghaway, Manipis and San Isidro and the secondary schools in Candulawan, San Isidro and Maghaway.

Each school will receive P50,000 to buy the CCTV cameras.

“Only 13 of the 18 elementary schools without CCTV have yet to receive it and only five out of eight high schools lack CCTV,” Gullas said in Cebuano.

The councilor said the budget for the equipment will be taken from the mayor’s Special Project Plan.

The project is designed to ensure the safety of students and their teachers.

Gullas hopes to complete the installation of CCTV cameras in every school by the first quarter of this year.

Last month, the City Council approved the installation of CCTV cameras in three elementary schools in Barangays Dumlog, Lagtang and Manipis. (BBT / TPT)


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