Central Visayas police ramp up preparations for BSKE

TO maintain peace and order on election day, the Central Visayas police are now ramping up their preparations for the Barangay and Sanguniang Kabataan Election (BSKE) on October 30, 2023.

The police are identifying areas in the region that need immediate attention.

The Commission on Elections (Comelec) used a color coding in classifying election hotspots.

These are categories green, yellow, orange and red.

Category green refers to areas that do not have security concerns, while category yellow are areas of concern, which means that these have a history of election-related incidents in the last two elections.

Category orange means areas of immediate concern where there is serious armed threat posed by lawless elements, while orange category is assigned to areas with circumstances similar to yellow category.

Police Lieutenant Colonel Gerard Ace Pelare, the spokesperson for Police Regional Office (PRO 7) Director Brigadier General Anthony Aberin, stated that six barangays in the Central Visayas have been designated as areas of concern and 22 as immediate areas of concern, following their initial inspection in June.

The confiscation of loose firearms that could be used during the election campaign is one of PRO 7’s preparations.

The BSKE gun ban will start on August 28.

The police will also intensify checkpoint operations during the election period. (AYB, TPT)


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