Cebu City EOC closes doors after 3-year operation

THE Emergency Operations Center (EOC) has closed its doors three years after serving as the main office monitoring the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) situation in Cebu City.

Councilor Joel Garganera, EOC’s deputy chief implementer, said the office was closed on Wednesday, May 31, 2023.

Former Inter-Agency Task Force-Visayas Chief Implementer Melquiades Feliciano led the establishment of the EOC in March 2020 when the first wave of Covid-19 cases was experienced in Cebu City.

Garganera was emotional on the closure of the EOC.

“We’ve been through a lot for the past three years. Blood, sweat, and tears — we gave it our all to protect as many lives and livelihoods as possible. And then it’s time,” Garganera told reporters in a message on Thursday, June 1, 2023. (JJL)


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