Borbon’s unique flavors delight Suroy Suroy Sugbo participants

The guests were treated to an array of offerings that make Borbon stand out, notably its coconut-based products, including “tuba” or coconut wine.

The rainy weather did little to dampen the spirits of the tourists, who eagerly indulged in the town’s exotic flavors.

One of the highlights was the tuba-flavored ice cream, a delightful fusion of sweetness, tanginess, and a subtle hint of sourness. Visitors devoured this unique treat, savoring the tropical essence of Borbon even in the cold weather.

They also tried another coconut product, locally known as “tira-tira” or coconut candy.

Despite the challenges posed by the weather, the enthusiasm of both the locals and tourists prevailed, creating memories of a day filled with cultural richness, flavorful delights, and the resilient spirit of Borbon.

Mayor Noel Dotillos, in his speech, emphasized his appreciation for the tourists taking time to visit their town. He hoped that tourists were able to encapsulate Borbon’s spirit despite the short visit.

As the program concluded, tourists were provided with plastic bags to take home as many local products as possible.

Situated 83 kilometers northward of Cebu City, Borbon is a fourth-class municipality under the fifth district of Cebu.

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