Bohol SP proposes ordinance limiting volume of music at discos

A Sangguniang Panlalawigan (SP) member has proposed an ordinance limiting the volume of sound systems used during village discos, concerts and other activities.

Provincial Board Member Venzencio Arcamo made the proposal on Tuesday amid complaints against the holding of a disco in Barangay Lapaz Cortes last week in which loud party music was heard in neighboring localities including Tagbilaran City.

According to Arcamo, loud music is not only harmful to the ears but could also pose as risk to those who have heart ailments.

“When the music is too loud it is no longer enjoyable but uncomfortable. When I consulted a doctor, I was told that it will affect your health, particularly people with heart ailment,” he said.  

According to a new study from Germany’s Mainz University Medical Center, constant exposure to loud music can cause atrial fibrillation.

The study suggested that increasing amount of noise can throw the heart out of rhythm. This irregular heart beat can lead to blood clots, stroke and even heart failure.

The proposed measure was referred to the SP’s Committee on Health which consult physicians to determine the decibel that would be deemed harmful to the ears.  

Arcamo said establishments renting out sound systems would also be invited to get their input on the decibel limit for public events.

Last week, complaints against the disco in Cortes town went viral over social media.

Residents from Tagbilaran City including those in the villages of Manga, Ubujan and Taloto which are close to Cortes aired the comments against the loud music.

Arcamo noted that Tagbilaran City already has an ordinance regulating the use of sound systems but the city government was not able to impose it considering that the music originated from Cortes which is out of its jurisdiction. (AD)

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