Dear Bobay of Davao Oriental,

This bleeding you have after intercourse is due to many reasons. This is not normal for a woman. But, the only good thing about it is that most of the causes are not dangerous like cervicitis or cervical infection or cervical polyps. However, the most serious cause of bleeding after sex is cervical cancer.

Now, here are the most common causes of bleeding after sex:

1.) Cancer

Bleeding after sex is the complaint of 11 percent of women with cervical cancer. This type of cancer is the second most common cancer among women worldwide. The most important risk factors for this are women who are infected with the human papilloma virus, or HPV that gives a high risk of cervical cancer, which is also known to cause cancer of the cervix. That’s why if a woman has had many men and has experienced sex early, the risk of this type of cancer is greater. Other risks include smoking and suppressing the body’s immunity.

Genital cancer is another cancer in women – where bleeding after sex is seen.

Endometrial cancer is the most common cancer among women in the United States. Genital bleeding is the presenting complaint of 90 percent of women with uterine cancer.

And finally, there are cancers that can be found in the lower part of the genitalia of women who may also present with genital bleeding after sex. This is malignant lymphoma of the genitals.

Opps!! As much as we still have a lot to talk about your queries and we are running out of space this time, then, let me continue this in my next issue. Until then!

Dr. Fritz

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