Admin raps vs. Dauis mayor for falsification dismissed

The Sannguniang Panlalawigan (SP) has dismissed an administrative case filed against Dauis Mayor Roman Bullen for alleged falsification.  

The SP, during its regular session on Tuesday, adopted a report by the Committee on Good Government, Justice and Human Rights recommending the dismissal of the complaint for lack of merit.

Based on the report, the case stemmed from the alleged forgery of the signature of complainant Ray Ann Bullen.

Ray had accused the mayor and co-accused Ephraim Bomediano of the Office of the Mayor of falsifying his signature to indicate in a payroll that he had received P6,480 as honorarium for being a referee for a tennis game during the town’s sports fest.

He claimed that he was only given P1,000 and did not sign the payroll.

Ray was able to secure a report from the Philippine National Police’s Regional Forensic Unit 7 in Cebu City confirming that that the specimen signatures he submitted and the signature in the payroll were not written by the same person.

However, in the report by the committee led by Board Member Venzencio Arcamo, it was indicated that Bullen was not involved in the forgery of a signature of the complainant, Ray Ann Bullen, in a payroll.

The report indicated that Bullen and Bomediano could not be held liable for committing the violation based on the elements of paragraph one of Article 171 of the Revised Penal Code.

According to the committee report, Bullen and Bomediano had no hand in the preparation of the payroll and were merely signatories to indicate that the persons whose name appeared on the document indeed rendered service.

“Looking at the complaint, there is no allegation that would show that the respondents took advantage of their official positions and that they performed any falsification of a document by committing any acts mentioned in Article 171 of the RPC,” it said. (A. Doydora)

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