A resounding success with Miguel Lozano


Blue Freedom Apnea hosted a remarkable event featuring renowned freediving expert Miguel Lozano. This exceptional gathering, held in the pristine waters of Panglao, Bohol, showcased the true spirit of freediving and left an indelible mark on all participants.

Miguel Lozano, one of the world’s foremost freedivers and a true inspiration, graced Blue Freedom Week with his presence. With his wealth of knowledge and unparalleled expertise, Lozano conducted workshops that captivated participants and took their skills to new heights. Attendees had the privilege of learning from a true master, honing their techniques, and gaining valuable insights into the world of freediving.

The success of Blue Freedom Week was a testament to the event’s unwavering dedication to promoting the beauty and significance of freediving. The impact of Lozano’s teachings is sure to resonate with attendees long after the event has concluded, inspiring them to further explore their own potential in the sport.

As Blue Freedom Week concluded, its success became an inspiration for future events and an affirmation of the passion and dedication of the global freediving community. The resounding triumph of the event served as a testament to the power of unity, adventure, and the sheer joy of exploring the depths of the ocean.

Looking ahead, Blue Freedom Apnea is excited to announce the next Blue Freedom Week, scheduled for the 20th to 25th of June. The event will feature Florian Dagoury, known as “Mr. 10 minutes,” with the second longest breath hold in the world. Freediving enthusiasts are encouraged to secure their spot for this upcoming event, where they will have the incredible opportunity to learn from and be inspired by Florian Dagoury.

Don’t miss out on the chance to be part of this extraordinary journey into the depths of freediving. For more information about freediving and to reserve your spot for the upcoming Blue Freedom Week with Florian Dagoury, please visit  www.bluefreedomapnea.com or contact  https://www.facebook.com/bluefreedomapnea.

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