4,000 Central Visayas cops to be deployed for Holy Week

MORE than 4,000 policemen would be deployed throughout the entire Central Visayas to secure Holy Week events in Catholic churches.

Police Regional Office (PRO 7) Chief Brigadier General Anthony Aberin attended the send-off ceremony on Tuesday, April 4, at the Cebu City Police Office (CCPO) headquarters where he ordered his men to be always on alert against all types of crime while on duty.

Aberin will inspect ports, bus terminals, and other religious sites where a large number of people gather.

He said that policemen who are not at their designated post during the inspection will face an administrative case.

Aberin vowed to send a request to their head office in Camp Crame in Quezon City for the transfer of any policemen who will continue to disobey his orders.

“Ang kailangan natin dito ang matapat at saka toe the line na mga police officers,” Aberin added.

(What we need are honest and toe the line police officers).

The highest police official in the Central Visayas wanted his men to be visible in the streets so they could assist in handling traffic problem should it arises.

“Ako mag i-inspect ako at may inspection teams tayo yung mga duty officers natin. Na delegate natin yung inspection of course to the city director nag create na siya ng inspection teams and of course kung remiss yung mga na deploy they will be administratively sanctioned and worst baka ma-relieved pa sila at matapon sa ibang lugar,” Aberin stressed.

(I’ll conduct inspection, and our duty officers are inspection teams. We have delegated the inspection of course to the city director and he has created inspection teams and of course if those who are deployed are remiss they will be administratively sanctioned and worst, they may be relieved and transferred to another place).

Aberin instructed the more than 400 police officers of CCPO to address individuals with “po” or “opo” to demonstrate respect.

He ordered the city and provincial police offices in the entire region to focus their deployment in crime-prone areas to discourage criminals from breaking the law. (AYB, TPT)


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