THREE graduates from the University of San Carlos (USC) in Cebu City have made it to the list of top 30 passers of the 2022 Bar examinations, the Supreme Court (SC) announced Friday, April 14, 2023.

Gabriel Gil Manlambus Baes of USC ranked sixth in the exam, with a rating of 87.2500 percent.

Angelika Uy Vega of USC ranked 26th with 86.1666 percent rating, and Chrisha Ver Ramirez Romano-Weigel, also of USC, placed 27th with 86.1583 percent.

Topping the list of the top 30 examinees is Czar Mattehew Gerard Torres Dayday of the University of the Philippines (UP), who got a rating of 88.8083 percent.

Here’s the list of the top 30 passers:

Associate Justice Alfredo Benjamin Caguioa said Friday, April 14, that the 2022 Bar examinations had 9,183 examinees, of which 3,992 have successfully hurdled the tests.

This means a passing rate of 43.47 percent, he added.

The 2022 Bar was composed of eight exams, said Caguioa.

The Supreme Court congratulated the examinees, their parents and supporters. (LMY)


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