20-story building near Maritima? Not true, says CPA

THERE is no plan to construct a 20-story building at the Compania Maritima premises, a Cebu Port Authority (CPA) official said Thursday, October 5, 2023.

The Cebu City Hall hit the CPA on Monday, October 2, for building several “illegal structures,” including an ongoing construction of a 20-floor building located in South Road Properties near Compania Maritima.

But the CPA said in an official statement Thursday that the allegation is not true.

“To set the record straight, what is being said on the alleged plan of CPA to construct a 20-story building along Compania Maritima premises is certainly not true,” it said.

The CPA management said the plan of constructing a 20-story building was not even discussed or mentioned.

“In fact, any plan or proposal to this effect was not presented, discussed nor gained any approval from the CPA’s governing body, the Cebu Port Commission,” it added. (AML)


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