Speaker Romualdez to Arnie Teves: Face allegations on Degamo slay

Speaker Martin Romualdez of Leyte on Friday called on Negros Oriental Representative Arnie Teves to come back to the Philippines and face the murder complaints filed against him.

Romualdez issued the statement given that the travel authority issued by the Speaker’s office already expired last March 9.

“l advise Representative Arnie Teves to come back to the country as soon as possible. His authority to travel to the United States is covered only by the period February 28 to March 9, 2023. Clearly, the travel authority of Representative Teves has expired effective today,” Romualdez said.

“His travel outside the country beyond the period mentioned is no longer authorized by the House of Representatives. Makabubuti rin na umuwi si Cong. Arnie para harapin ang pagkakadawit ng pangalan ng kanilang pamilya sa pagkamatay ni Governor Roel Degamo.We all want to hear his side of the story,” he added.

(It would be better for Cong Arnie to come home to face the music in connection with the slaying of Governor Degamo.)

Degamo was killed last March 4 by armed men equipped with military gear in an attack that also left eight others dead and 17 people injured.

Degamo’s slay happened during the distribution of government subsidies for poor households in his residence.

In the aftermath of Degamo’s killing, four counts of murder complaints were filed by the Justice Department against Teves over the 2019 killings.

Suspects in the Degamo slay also identified a “Cong Teves” as the one who ordered the hit on Degamo.

Romualdez said that the recent killing does not only concern Degamo’s life and that the government will not let the perpetrators get away with their crime.

“Hindi titigil ang pamahalaan para kilalanin at papanagutin ang mga nasa likod ng brutal na krimeng ito,” Romualdez added.

(The government won’t rest until the perpetrators of this brutal crime are brought to justice.) —NB, GMA Integrated News

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