San Pablo Seminary rector installed administrator of Baguio Diocese

The rector of the San Pablo Seminary in Baguio City was elected the new diocesan administrator of the Diocese of Baguio, the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) reported on Friday.

Father Roland Buyagan will lead the diocese during the period of “sede vacante” or until Pope Francis appoints a new bishop following the designation of ex-Baguio City Bishop Victor Bendico as the new Archbishop of Capiz earlier this month.

Buyagan currently serves as the San Pablo Seminary rector and parish priest of the Divine Mercy Parish in Atab village. He would continue in these roles but would also manage the diocese under the directions established by Bendico.

While the post assumes many responsibilities of a bishop, he does not have the authority to make significant changes or innovations.

A diocesan administrator is elected by the College of Consultors, a group of priests who have a canonical role in the governance of the diocese, the CBCP said.

In other cases, they are appointed by the metropolitan suffragan archbishop if there is no college of consultors to run the diocese. — DVM, GMA Integrated News

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