Pregnant examinee among over 10K aspiring lawyers who completed 2024 Bar Exams

A total of 10,490 out of 10,504 applicants completed all three days of the 2024 Bar Examinations, the Supreme Court announced Monday.

The number included a pregnant examinee who underwent a caesarian operation on September 13, according to Bar Chairperson and Associate Justice Mario Lopez.

“We allowed her to continue with the examination under intense medical supervision of our doctors. She also signed a health liability waiver,” Lopez said in a statement.

“Indeed, despite the physical toll of childbirth, she has persevered through her #MostValuableLaban and now stands at the finish line,” he added.

The Bar exams took place on September 8, 11, and 15.

Lopez commended persons with disabilities who took the exams for exemplifying what it meant to rise above adversity.

“Their stories are testaments to the power of the human spirit, proving that no obstacle is too great when one is driven by purpose and passion,” he said. 

According to the SC, the examinees completed tests on criminal law, remedial law, and legal and judicial ethics with practical exercises on the final day.

For his part, Chief Justice Alexander Gesmundo said that the exams only marked the beginning.

“[T]he ultimate measure of success lies in how lawyers champion justice, how they handle both victories and challenges with integrity, and how they remain steadfast in their ethical responsibilities,” Gesmundo said.

“The Bar Examinations prepare the stage, but a lawyer’s real path to distinction is shaped by their contributions to the society and the nation, at large,” he added.

Lopez previously said that the results would be released by December. —KBK, GMA Integrated News

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