Philippines records 429 new cases; active tally down to 4,336

The Department of Health on Monday recorded 429 new COVID-19 cases, the lowest since 382 new cases were reported last Wednesday.

The active cases dropped to 4,336 since the 4,657 on Friday. There were no figures reported on Saturday and Sunday.

The total COVID-19 cases recorded now stands at 4,089,394. A total 4,018,614 have recovered.

The total number of deaths due to the virus is at 66,444.

For last week, the Philippines recorded a total of 3,148 new COVID-19 infections from April 17 to April 23.

Based on the DOH bulletin, the new cases monitored in the recent week were 32% higher than the infections registered from April 10 to April 16, with the daily case average increasing to 450.

The agency said a total of five COVID-19-related deaths were belatedly reported from September 2020 to August 2021. Of the figures, one occurred in August 2021, one in July 2021, one in May 2021, one in April 2021, and one in September 2020.

DOH’s recent data also showed that 345 severe and critical cases were admitted in hospitals due to COVID-19 as of April 23. Fourteen of these were tagged as a new severe or critical case.

At least 275 or 13.7% of the 2,010 intensive care unit (ICU) beds were also used, while 2,980 or 17.4% of the 17,152 non-ICU COVID-19 beds were occupied.

As for vaccination, the agency said it would still not be able to generate the latest numbers “due to the ongoing migration of the Vaccine Information Management System (VIMS) by the DICT (Department Of Information And Communications Technology).” —NB, GMA Integrated News

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