On Yolanda’s 10th anniversary, VP Sara reiterates call for climate change mitigation

In commemorating the 10th anniversary of Super Typhoon Yolanda, Vice President Sara Duterte on Wednesday underscored the importance of mitigating climate change and preparing for disasters to help prevent another catastrophic event.

In a video message, Duterte urged the nation to remember and honor the thousands of people who died during one of the strongest storms ever recorded.

“Today, as we remember the lives lost, let us unite in solidarity and recommit ourselves to creating a safer, more resilient future defined by sustainable development. Together, we can build communities that are better prepared to face the challenges posed by natural disasters and climate change,” she said.

Super Typhoon Yolanda (international name: Haiyan) hit the country on November 8, 2013, and left more than 7,000 people dead or missing.

Duterte said it is crucial that Filipinos learn from the lessons of the past as she highlighted the need to invest in resilient infrastructure, early warning systems, and education on disaster preparedness.

“This commemoration serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of disaster risk reduction, climate change mitigation, and disaster preparedness,” said the Vice President.

“It is crucial that we learn from the lessons of the past and take proactive steps to prevent such catastrophic events from happening again,” added Duterte.

The Vice President also urged the public to acknowledge the efforts of first responders, volunteers, and humanitarian organizations who helped during those trying times.

She said that their dedication and selflessness were “instrumental in helping affected communities rebuild their lives and regain hope for a brighter future.”

“Typhoon Yolanda left an indelible mark on our hearts, but it also revealed the extraordinary resilience and strength of those who were affected. In the midst of unimaginable destruction, we witnessed the unwavering spirit of Filipinos, who rose above adversity and rebuilt their lives with determination and courage,” Duterte added.

President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. will attend a mass and commemoration at Tacloban’s seaside convention center, where many people had been sheltering when Yolanda smashed into the country.

Marcos will also attend a disaster preparedness conference in the city.

In the evening, Tacloban residents plan to place lit candles along the city’s streets in a somber remembrance of the friends and family lost in the disaster.

About 6,300 people were killed and a decade later more than a thousand are still missing.

It also affected more than 16 million people or 3 million families across the country. —VAL, GMA Integrated News

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