Bayan chair-emeritus files suit worth over P2M vs. Badoy, co-host

Bagong Alyansang Makabayan (Bayan) chairperson emeritus Carol Araullo has filed a civil suit worth over P2 million against former anti-insurgency spokesperson Lorraine Badoy and her television co-host over their supposed repeated red-tagging in their program.

In a 21-page complaint, Araullo said Badoy and ex-rebel Jeffrey Celiz, violated Articles 20 and 21 of the Civil Code, in relation to Article 19 when they “baselessly, willfully, repeatedly and publicly maligned and red-tagged” her and her organization causing damages to them.

Badoy and Celiz have repeatedly alleged that the longtime activist and medical professional has communist links and even accused her of being a leader of the Communist Party of the Philippines-New People’s Army-National Democratic Front.

In her complaint, Araullo wants Badoy and Celiz to be ordered to cease from red-tagging her and to pay for damages amounting to:

  • Moral damages (P1,100,000)
  • Exemplary damages (P500,000)
  • Nominal damages (P500,000)
  • Attorney’s fees (P100,000)

In a statement, Araullo said she filed the complaint to exact accountability from the defendants for their “false, baseless, and malicious” public statements.

She also said she previously ignored the red-tagging remarks but the “lies repeated over and over seem to have become accepted as truth, at least by their unsuspecting followers and others who do not know me or of me”.

“My not taking any legal steps to defend myself and make these red taggers accountable has been misconstrued by some as an indication of a weak defense, if not actual guilt,” Araullo said.

GMA Integrated News reached out to Badoy for a comment but she has yet to reply.

On Facebook, Badoy slammed Araullo’s complaint as a “useless case” and challenged her to file a libel case instead.

“If they’re serious about challenging the things we say about them, why not file a real case? Not this ‘useless, nuisance case’ lawyers say it is?” Badoy added.

Araullo said her son broadcast journalist Atom Araullo had also become the target of the “incessant red tagging/terrorist labeling”.

“I am filing these complaints on behalf of those who do not have the means, the opportunity, and support system to do so but who are experiencing red-tagging/terrorist labeling and the harassment if not actual terror, this brings. I hope to encourage more of them to come forward and file their own complaints,” Araullo said.

“I have been told that it is about time these red taggers are made accountable. That is what I hope this lawsuit — and others to follow — will accomplish,” she added. —NB, GMA Integrated News

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