19 drowning deaths reported on Holy Week 2024

The Philippine National Police reported a total of 19 drowning deaths across the country during the Holy Week.

According to the PNP’s data, there had been 30 total incidents from March 29 to 9 a.m. of March 30, 20 of which were drowning incidents.

The majority of the 19 deaths were from Region 4A with 7 deaths, followed by Region 2 with 3 deaths.

Region 6 had 2 deaths, while Region 3 had 2 deaths and 2 injured, and Region 1 had 2 deaths and 1 injured.

Region 5, Region 8, and Region 11 all had 1 death each due to drowning.

The majority of the drowning victims were aged 21 to 40, while 5 of the fatalities were between 13 and 20 years old.

Four fatalities were 5 to 12 years old, while another four fatalities were 41 to 65 years old.

Meanwhile, there were three vehicular crashes, two robberies, three child abuse cases, and two other incidents that also took place in the country during the Holy Week. — DVM, GMA Integrated News

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