Anti-fraud laboratory installed at Davao airport

DAVAO CITY (MindaNews / 21 March)—The Bureau of Immigration (BI) has opened its first Anti-Fraud Section (AFS) laboratory in Mindanao at the Davao International Airport on Thursday.

Bureau of Immigration Commissioner Norman Tansingco (left) and Presidential Assistant for Eastern Mindanao Leo Magno at the anti-fraud laboratory at the Davao International Airport. MindaNews photo

The document examination laboratory is expected to hasten the processing of suspected fraudulent travel documents, said BI chief Norman Tansingco.

He said during the launching ceremony that the opening of the laboratory at the airport is vital in the government’s campaign against human trafficking, border security and counter terrorism.

While the BI official underscored the importance of having the document examination laboratory here, he also noted the capacity of the BI personnel in early detection of suspected fraudulent documents

The equipment, he said, will just validate or confirm what the immigration officers have spotted using their skills.

Among the document examination equipment that are available at the laboratory are the video spectral comparator, microscope, and Edison system.

Marivic Beltrano, acting AFS chief, recalled that their unit was established in partnership with the Australian government in 2004 as a response to the increasing concerns on illegal migration, human trafficking and terrorism

Beltrano added that the Australian government has donated several equipment under its Counter-Terrorism Assistance Package.

The video spectral comparator, she said, is a state of the art modern breakthrough in forensic document examination.

From 2018 to 2023, Beltrano added, the AFS had recorded a total of 66,186 document referrals, 2,473 of which have been found to be fraudulent and counterfeit travel documents.
Beltrano said the document examination laboratory at the Davao airport embodies the commitment of the agency to secure the country’s borders, especially in Mindanao.

The AFS chief said that the laboratory in the city will also cater the needs of other BI units from different parts of Mindanao.

“This is not just about technology, but also a shared mission to find effective ways to fight crimes that threaten our safety and security,” Beltrano said in her speech. (MindaNews)

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