MMDA checking establishments’ water needs amid El Niño

The Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) on Wednesday said it is gathering information on the minimum water requirements of establishments for the proposed water regulation in light of the El Niño effects.

MMDA chairperson Romando Artes said regulating the water use of some establishments that consume huge amounts of water is one of the recommendations among concerned agencies.

“Inaalam po kung ano ‘yung minimum requirements nila para hindi rin ma-disrupt ‘yung kanilang hanapbuhay o negosyo kasi mahirap din naman po na bigla mong i-cut ‘yung kanilang tubig,” he said in a press conference.

(We are gathering information on the minimum requirements of these establishments so we would not disrupt their livelihood and business because it would be difficult if we suddenly cut their water supply.)

On July 4, PAGASA declared the start of the El Niño phenomenon in the Tropical Pacific and its effects are now expected in the Philippines.

The El Niño phenomenon is characterized by the abnormal warming of sea surface temperature in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean and below normal rainfall.

Artes said the Metro Manila Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (MDRRMC) will meet to finalize their initial recommendations on Friday.

These recommendations will be forwarded to the Metro Manila Council (MMC), composed of the 17 mayors in the region, for discussion next week.

On Monday, MMC president San Juan City Mayor Francis Zamora said NCR local governments may decide on their own whether or not they will regulate the water usage of certain establishments within their jurisdiction.

He said Metro Manila LGUs were given the leeway as not all cities in the region have establishments that consume massive volumes of water, such as golf courses and hotels that have swimming pools.

New command center

Meanwhile, the MMDA on Wednesday inaugurated its new Communications and Command Center (CCC) at its head office in Pasig City.

The CCC will house the operations center, data center, situation room, viewing room, media room, and power room, according to the MMDA.

It also has high-definition closed circuit television cameras, intelligent traffic signalization system, and Hytera radio smart dispatch system with built-in GPS, it added.

The new facility will monitor 403 CCTV cameras installed across critical and major infrastructure projects like MMDA pumping stations, bus ways, waterways, Manila Baywalk Dolomite Beach, among others.

The MMDA CCC has a Hytera Radio Smart Dispatch System, which is a dispatch software that can locate traffic enforcers real-time and communicate with other radio users, the agency said.

“This is a major step for MMDA to make Metro Manila a safe and smart metropolis by using smart technologies and data analytics to aid the country into its economic development and strengthened security,” Artes said.

Present during the inauguration event were Executive Secretary Lucas Bersamin, and Interior and Local Government Secretary Benhur Abalos. —KG, GMA Integrated News

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