Man arrested for repeatedly hitting 2-year-old son in Tondo, Manila

Authorities arrested a man for repeatedly hitting his two-year-old son in Tondo, Manila on Sunday evening as shown in a CCTV footage, according to Jamie Santos’ Wednesday report on “Saksi” CCTV footage.

When they reached Plaza Hernandez, the suspect seemed to shoving his son inside a tricycle they were boarding.

Due to the prompt report of concerned citizens, the suspect was arrested in his house during a follow-up operation.

According to the Moriones Police, the suspect was vented his anger towards his son due to a “marital problem” as his wife did not show up.

They added that the suspect admitted that he had a drink at the time that he hit his son.

The suspect is under the custody of the Moriones Police and is facing charges for child abuse. Meanwhile, his son is recovering from the bruises he got from his father and is under his aunt’s care. — Mariel Celine Serquiña/BAP, GMA Integrated News

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