DSWD: Crime syndicate behind influx of beggars in Metro Manila

Authorities are investigating the reported increase of street beggars in Metro Manila ahead of the holiday season, citing a possible link to a criminal syndicate.

“Mayroon kaming ongoing na investigation ngayon, kasi mayroong isang syndicated group na sinasamantala ‘yung mga indigenous people natin, mga IP natin na kababayan,” Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Secretary Rexlon Gatchalian said in a report by Marisol Abdurahman on GMA’s “24 Oras Weekend” on Sunday.

(We have an ongoing investigation, that here is a syndicated group that is taking advantage of our countrymen, the indigenous people [IP].)

“Syndicated ‘yung pagdadala nila sa Manila… Kakasuhan natin ng human trafficking ‘yung mga ‘yun,” he added.

([The beggar’s] presence in Manila is syndicated… We will file human trafficking charges against whoever organized this.) 

For its part, the Metro Manila Council (MMC) said the link between the beggars to syndicates has yet to be proven, but this will be referred to the police force.

“Even when we interview them, they would always just say na bumiyahe sila ng Manila, nagbabakasakali, (they just decided to find opportunities in Manila) so kung meron man pong sindikato na meron diyan (so if there are any syndicates behind this), of course, we would refer than to the police,” MMC president and San Juan City mayor Francis Zamora said.—Jon Viktor Cabuenas/RF, GMA Integrated News


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