Condo developer in Manila’s ‘heritage zone’ says it has permits

The developer of a condominium project protested for being constructed inside a “heritage zone” in Sta. Ana, Manila on Friday said it has proper permits for the construction project.

According to a report on “24 Oras,” Suntrust issued the remarks in response to the petition of several residents in the area who are calling for a stop to the residential project.

The company also said it was able to secure permits from government offices including the National Museum, the National Historical Commission of the Philippines, and the National Commission for Culture and the Arts.

“All these government agencies would have not issued all these permits and clearances if we were not compliant. And we intend to comply also, moving forward, doon sa conditions that were imposed and are being imposed upon us by these local government agencies,” said Suntrust senior vice president Basilio Almasan Jr.

Under the petition, the residents said Manila building officials should be held liable for issuing the building permit.  It said Suntrust should also answer for allegedly violating the cease and desist order of the NHCP and the show cause and suspension order by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources.

The NHCP, according to the petition, should explain as well why it lifted the cease and desist order without a hearing.

The Manila local government should have also formed a committee that will outline the guidelines on constructions inside heritage zones, the petition also said.—Sundy Locus/LDF, GMA Integrated News

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