Hann Resorts, PIHABF partner for 24th hot air balloon fest

PARTNERSHIP SIGNED, SEALED. Beaming after the signing (L-R): Hann Resorts director of corporate planning Andrea Sigua, Hann Resorts AVP for corporate marketing Patti Javier, PIHABF event director Capt. Joy Roa, and BCDA president-CEO Engr. Joshua Bingcang. Contributed photo

CLARK FREEPORT – “We are delighted to be part of one of the most anticipated annual events in the country, especially as it takes place in New Clark City, where our new project, the Hann Reserve is located.”

Thus, enthused Patti Javier, assistant vice president of Hann Resorts Corporate Marketing, of her company’s partnership with the 24th Philippine International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta (PIHABF) for the highly anticipated “A Weekend of Everything That Flies” event to be held for the first time at New Clark City, Tarlac, on Feb. 16-18.

Sited in NCC, Hann Reserve is a 450-hectare estate featuring an integrated luxury mountain resort that includes three PGA 18-hole championship golf courses, international hotels, villa residences and condominium towers, as well as a mixed-use commercial center and casino.

“This collaboration with PIHABF is aligned with our new campaign, ‘Play Bold. Live Bold,’ embodying our commitment to fostering a spirit of daring exploration and vibrant living,” Javier noted. “Through this, we aim to inspire individuals to embrace bold choices, push boundaries, and savor every exhilarating moment, resonating with the adventurous essence that defines both Hann Resorts and the Philippine International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta.”

A balloonist view of the sprawling, rolling greens of the Hann Reserve location in New Clark City. Contributed photo

Billed as Asia’s largest and longest-running sports aviation spectacle, the hot air balloon festival is a signature tourism event of Clark, started in 1994 by the Department of Tourism with a British and a South Korean balloon enthusiast in the immediate aftermath of the Mount Pinatubo eruptions principally to drum up economic activities in the then fledgling freeport. It has since come under the auspices of the PIHABF, with Capt. Joy Roa taking it to the world stage, introducing new events and expanding the number of participants each year.

After its hiatus during the pandemic, the hot air balloon fiesta launches for the first time at the NCC, owing to the increased flight activities at the Clark International Airport where it used to be held.

The relocation was effected through the support and collaborative efforts of Bases Conversion and Development Authority president and CEO Engr. Joshua Bingcang.

For this year’s “A Weekend of Everything that Flies,” Roa promises a diverse array of attractions, including flag jumps, skydiving, paramotoring, remote control plane and helicopter exhibitions, plane fly-bys, aerobatics, and much more. It is a thrilling opportunity for attendees to immerse themselves in the world of exciting aviation.

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