Oro Art Hub gets boost with The Photo Alley Launch

By Mike Baños

Photos by Kim John Pabilona & Raphy Arcaina

The long-cherished vision of an exclusive art hub for the Cagayan de Oro’s artist community is off to a good start with the launching of The Photo Alley at the Limketkai Center on April 1st.

“As a visual art, photography has the least exposure in the city, delegated to only a few weeks per year and with no fixed location,” said Fra-and Timothy Quimpo, Oro Photographic Society (OPS) President.

“So when we met up with the management of Lim Ket Kai Center for a supposed 1-week exhibit, I aired that concern and requested if they could host a permanent exhibit location dedicated to the art of photography, and the result is The Photo Alley. The objective of The Photo Alley is to increase the public’s appreciation of the arts, specifically in photography.”

Quimpo said this will be a permanent exhibit or gallery walkway with themes to be changed monthly with images the OPS curates.

For its launching exhibit, The Oro Photographic Society & Limketkai Center presents The Art of Photography featuring a variety of images from different genres in photography, from underwater to aerial, landscape, travel, and cityscapes, among others.

Besides Quimpo, the exhibitors for this month include Fritz Alquilos, Sluggo Reyes III, Mark Quitos, Frederick Nobillos, Raphy Arcaina, Louie Yee, Dennis Ohashi, Ronald Quitos, Gian Duterte, Harry Sio, Vic Orencia, Lito Busgano, Romel Lonoy, Aljay Garamay, and Aye Navarro.

“Our next change in exhibit will be on April 22 with the theme Through the Sky and Stars – An Aerial and Astrophotography Exhibit.

“This will be a big boost in helping us promote the city and introduce our photographers from various genres in the art of photography,” said Raphy Arcaina, a long-time member of the OPS Board. “It also helps me personally to further promote my skills.”


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