In line with the Earth Day annual celebration, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Region 10 joins with the Cagayan de Oro City Local Environment and Natural Resources Office, various national government agencies, academe, private organizations, youth groups and other volunteers for the clean-up drive on April 22 in Coastal Road, Barangay Lapasan, Cagayan de Oro City.

An estimated of 4,000 volunteers participated in the Earth Day activity to demonstrate support for environmental protection and to promote sustainable development to raise awareness on environmental issues and encourage people to protect planet Earth.

The Earth Day 2023 was spearheaded by the KUSGAN VOLUNTEERS Inc., a non- profit organization registered by the Security Exchange Commission as part of their advocacy on nature conservancy. (Jesha May N. Bagtoltol) RSCIG No. 04-120-2023 #TayoAngKalikasan


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